Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Please use the following guidelines for the submitted article:


Title, Font Cambria 12, Bold, Maximum 2 Rows, Align Left

Author1, Author2 [bold]

Email [author1], [author2]

1Affiliation [author 1]

2Affiliation [author 2]

The title should be clear and concise. The author's name is written clearly without a title. Heading numbering with Arabic system with sub-heading maximum up to 3 levels.


The abstract contains the problem statement, approaches/problem-solving method, objectives, and results obtained. The abstract contains important information about the content of the writing that is written briefly, concisely, and clearly in one paragraph, a maximum of 150 words. [Cambria 10, single space and justified].


Keywords written in 3-5 words should be a subset of the title of the paper, written using lowercase letters except for abbreviations and separated by comma punctuation marks between words.

Manuscript Structure

The manuscript is recommended to contain: 1) Introduction, 2)  Research Methods, 3) Results and Discussion, 4)  Conclusions, 5) Acknowledgment, and 6) Reference.


The introduction includes background problems related to supporting theories (literature review) or previous studies (both from journals as well as current phenomena/issues) as the basis for conducting research. The presentation introductory part that contains the background of the problem, theoretical basis, or related research does not have to be subtitled but is integrated into a unified paragraph and is presented in narrative form. At the end of the introduction, the purpose and usefulness of the research results are also explained. [Cambria 12, single space]

Research Methodology

The research method explains briefly the stages of research, including research design, instruments used, data collection techniques, analysis techniques, system design, and several other things related to research problem-solving strategies. [Cambria 12, space 1]


Tables must be numbered in the order in which they will be presented (Table 1, Table 2, Table n..). The table's title is written in the center justified position above the table. The table should be cited and mentioned in the text.


The images are numbered in the order in which they are presented (Figure 1., Figure 2. , Figure n.). The caption for the image is positioned in the middle of the page, below the image (center justified). The image should be cited and mentioned in the text.


Please use IEEE references. We recommend using Mendeley/Endnote/Zotero tools. Everything listed in the bibliography/reference must be referenced in the manuscript. We recommend a minimum of 10 references.